Monday, 18 November 2013

Review of recent music videos (Part 2)

The next video I will be reviewing is 'Justin Timberlake - TKO'. Justin Timberlake is a very well known artist and performer and with this, the budget for his video is much more bigger than SZA's video 'Ice Moon'. This can also clearly be seen by how the video is much more like a short film than a music video. A few similarities I noticed were that in both music videos, the camera is constantly moving. However I noticed bigger differences in the sense that with 'Ice Moon' the lines between camera and editing is much more blurred, as 'TKO' uses slow motion and quick zoom ins, while 'Ice Moon' uses tinting and amplification.

Editing: Editing in 'TKO' focuses mainly on slow-motion, or quick zoom ins, which can't really be seen with screen captures. However one piece of editing which can be seen are the credits, the fonts of the video is fairly basic, but fit with the theme of minimalism Timberlake seemed to be going for. The colours and lighting of white and black were strong strongly contrasted within the video which will be seen more in the camera section.

Camera: The screenshots of the video are backwards in terms of chronological order, however this shouldn't interfere with the analysis of camera within the video. The camera shots in this music video in my opinion are much more varied in comparison to 'Ice Moon'. However for various screenshots I've captured the camera often was zooming or panning around the actors within the music video. 

The variation of camera shots in this video, in comparison to 'Ice Moon' are much more varied, the feature a number of different types of shots often starting with one type of shot, zooming in and then ending with another type of shot. The movement of the camera in my opinion create a much more interesting video because your attention is held for that much longer, than it would be in a normal still shot. 

MES: The MES of the video, comes off as much more of a short film than, 'Ice Moon' does. The video uses indoor and outdoor settings, and cuts between them constantly, which allows it to contrast between the lighting of both settings: which is very dark and very bright. The props used are more in line with the story the music video has presented, such as the car and the frying pan which relates back to the actual title of the song: 'TKO'.

  • A contrast of different lighting and setting

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