Katy Perry - 'Prism' (Courtesy of http://publicafecollection.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/cd-katy-perry-prism-deluxe-edition.html for the pictures)
As seen by the screen captures, the digipak of 'Prism' is fairly different to your usual album. The unorthodox outlining on the front of the cover give the album a unique cover. The digipak also comes with an item other than the cd, which is the shape of a triangle which fits with the album name and subsequently the album cover:
Some inspiration we can take from 'Prism' is the shiny outlining, as it relates sort of too our audience type: The Aspirers. The shiny outlining links well too diamonds which is our brand image.
on to the next digipak:
Miley cyrus - 'Bangerz' (Courtesy of http://publicafecollection.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/cd-miley-cyrus-bangerz-deluxe-edition.html)
The digipak of 'Bangerz' is much more orthodox and stereotypical in terms of structure. The shape or style of the digipak isn't unusual or different to a typical digipak cover. One thing that does differ is the controversial themes included; the digipak includes a topless Miley Cyrus as well as smiley weed face.
The theme of the digipak seems to be nightlife, with the colours of the digipak being purple and cream, possibly to signify that night is coming. We also see the album title in neon lights which is also often seen at night. This may be because of Miley Cyrus trying to signify she is now an adult or trying to take her music in a much more mature fashion, as she is often noted for her time at Disney Channel as Hannah Montana. The theme of nightlife is often linked with adulthood and this may be what Miley is trying to pass on.
and the final digipak...
The digipak of 'Settle' is similar to 'Bangerz' in that it is very simple compared to 'Prism', it doesn't seem to have any sort of specific theme and is aimed entirely at the artists, who appear as children with their faces outlines. The digipak doesn't seem to come with any items like 'Prism' and 'Bangerz' does.
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